Friday, May 29, 2009

aloha friday #14


Welcome to Aloha Friday! 

If you want to play along visit An Island Life!

Two weeks ago I asked what time you go to bed (and there are a ton of night-owls out there).

So, my question this week:

What time to you usually get up in the morning? 

My alarm is set for 5:10 am.  I get up to read blogs and exercise before my children get up (and before my husband leaves for work).  My alarm rarely goes off.  Most days I usually wake up around 4:45. 

On the weekends I “sleep in” until sometime between 6 and 7! 

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Angie said...

I get up between 5-6. I just can't sleep any later.

Angie Is Living

Erin said...

WOW! EARLY BIRD! My alarm goes off at 720 am. I dont usually get out of bed until almost 740 to get the girls up. Then I get back in my bed until my son gets up or until I have to bring them to school. Their school day starts at 850. If I didnt have to get out of bed, I wouldnt! LOL! I am usually out of bed before 8 for the day though. weekends and weekdays.

Dee said...

Before I was pregnant I got up at 6 or so-and hour or more before my son so I could have some "me time". BUT since I've been pregnant I usually sleep til 7-8 when he does.

I am Harriet said...

Uber disgustingly early. I like to run in the morning.

TUTU said...

I am up between 430-5 AM. Haven't set an alarm in years.. with exception of early airline flight days. Larry up at 2:30 AM. He does not set alarm either.

Sleeping in for me is 6-7. I enjoy my early morning time. I check email, drink a cup of coffee, and just relax.

I just about fell off my chair laughing about Mickey being scared. Hmmmm... wonder where she learned that?

I have the cutest grandkids ever!

Three Js said...

On work days I'm up at 5. I always used to wake up before my alarm, but not so much lately because I've been so tired! If I don't work then usually I'm up around 6 (earlier if Jacob wakes me up!!)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

No. No. Don't talk those AM hours to me. ick.
Me? Rolling out of bed {actually, my husband grabs my foot and pulls me out...!}

NOT A MORNING PERSON!! But good for you!

Lesley said...

oh lord you get up early....I have no idea how you do it....since becoming a SAHM...I'm lucky to get up before 6....Thanks so much for coming by on my feature day yesterday...I'm so happy you did.

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Savannah gets me up at 6am usually and if not I would get up at 6:30am for work. But no matter what day I get to live by that schedule since Savi is always hungry around that time:) What is sleeping in? :)

valentine said...

aghh! that is sooo early LOL since i am not a mom, i do not get up early. i have to be at work at 8:30, so that usually means my alarm goes off at 7:30 and i snooze until about 8:00, it's always a mad dash each morning, but i just can't seem to get up earlier...

weekends are a definite sleep in, probably until 10:00 or 10:30 (unless there is a big sale, then i am up at 8:00!) said...

Wow, I admire that early bird in you. And no wonder you are so fit and trim... Good for you!

Let's see, I get up around 7am.

But when I work, it's 05:35am.

Anonymous said...

During school time 6Am -- If we don't have school I guess about 8AM that is when Alex(my yorkie) wakes me up to go potty.

Becca said...

I generally wake up around 7 am but the last two mornings I have slept in til 8 or 9.

*Just Jen* said...

I get up between 6:15 and 7:15. On the weekends though, with no early ball games, I sleep until 10 or 11! :)

Amy Clary said...

I wake up with my son...around 6:30 am. (yawn) that makes a sleepy start to the day, let me just tell you. ;)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

You are an early bird!! I was getting up around 6 to 6:30 to do my Bible study and get ready for the day (okay, and read some blogs too), but lately I canNOT seem to get myself out of bed!!

Thanks for visiting my blog today! :)

sues2u2 said...

Summer is here & school is out. I thought I'd be sleeping in until 8 - 8:30 but nope, the kids are up around 7. Why they couldn't do this during the school year I have no idea. Anyway, I'm now up around 7:30 to help w/ summer homework. We're doing school books all summer to help the kids.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's super early! I typically wake up between 7am-8am depending on when / if hubby needs to leave for work - sometimes it's closer to 6:30am.

Brandi said...

I ususally get up around 6...but it depends cause if my daughter wakes up earlier than that then that's when I get up! Sometimes at 5 ish...not really a fan of that early though! I like 6!

Deb said...

I get up between 7 and 7:15am on the weekdays and whenever the kids wake me up on the weekends - usually between 8 and 9am.

Kekibird said...

Well week days it's between 5:45am and 6:30am (more like 6:30am) and on the weekend I can be blessed with sleeping in till 7am.

A Psych Mommy said...

It depends on what day of the week since I work at two different schools with different start times--on Monday and Tuesday I wake up at 6:30 (let me clarify--I have my alarm set for 6:30, but my son usually wakes me up at 6), and Wed/Thurs at 5:30.

Brittany said...

I normally get up around 6:20-30 during the week.. I normally can not sleep past about 7:30 on the weekends..

Jenni said...

I get up at about 5:45 during the work week, but on weekends and on summer vacation I like to sleep for as long as possible!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Our alarm is set for 6, but most mornings I am up between 5:30 and 6:00. Even on the weekends when we could sleep in the boys are up early (before 7).

Daysie said...

I will probably get a ton of hate replies!! I am usually up about 9am. But, we don't have any children and I'm currently not working...

Unknown said...

During the week I my alarm goes off around 5 but I often don't get up until about 5:30 or so. I am trying to get up now though right when it goes off to work out. On the weekends, I sometimes sleep in or I get up around 6:30 to try to get some alone time before the girls get up.

Valerie said...

lol That is early. I get up at 8 and I don't consider that sleeping in. lol

MamaJoss said...

Wow - that's eyelids don't open until 8 or 9 when the little ones start babbling "Mama" "Mama" from their cribs :)

Night Owl Mama said...

which time?
up with the baby every 3 hours to breastfeed, up at 7am to get my dd off to school, up at about 10-10:30a

Whitney said...

Whew! You put me to shame! I want to start getting up that early! You'll have to be my inspiration, perhaps I'll glue your face to my alarm clock to will me out of bed!!

Stesha said...

I'm usually up at 4:30 AM on a good day. If one of the twins has a bad night. No sleep for me.

Hugs and Mocha,

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

My alarm goes off at 7:30, usually I am up in the night at some point though.

Heart of Rachel said...

It's my son's summer vacation so I've been sleeping late and waking up late as well. He will be back to school on the second week of June so I will have to start waking up at 4:30 a.m. again.

Pam said...

Visiting from SITS. I go to bed between 10 and 11 every night. During the school year I'm up by 6:40 to get the girls out the door. I am a serious non-morning person, but in the past few years I don't seem to be able sleep past 7:30 or 8 am. Used to be I could sleep to 9:30 or 10. As my grandmother used to say "I guess it's old age creepin' up"!

Tara said...

My goodness I thought I woke up early lol I usually get up between 6 and 7.

Executive Momma said...

Wow, even when I worked it was hard for me to be up at truly are an early bird!! :)

Without an alarm, I usually get up around 6:45 or 7:00.

Have a great week girl!!!

Roxy said...

Crazy lady...getting up that early...but at least you get your exercise in? No alarm here...just Jackson and Dane to the rescue...usually around 6:30am.
My question to you...if you get up that you take a nap when the kids go down?

Maggi said...

I usually get up around 7-7:30 with Toot. Sometimes she'll graciously let me sleep in. lol

Megan said...

Yeah, I'm still tucked nicely in my bed at that time. LOL

I get up around 7:30-8:30, since I've been unemployed.