37 degrees.
We went anyways.
Last weekend we were sitting around with the kids realizing that is was going to be a very loooooong day unless we found something to do. It is for this reason and this reason only that we actually thought “why not” when we saw that there was a cat show going on in town.
Better yet it was the “My Furry Valentine” cat show. Perfect for the weekend before Valentine’s day.
Here are some things we learned:
1) For future purposes do not say cat “show” to Hannah. Say something else like “demonstration” or “display”. To Hannah a “show” means singing and dancing. We had to explain that there would be no singing and dancing cats at this show. She took the news well, and proceeded to dress properly for the show, um display.
2) Although you will be surrounded by cats, you will not be allowed or able to touch ANY of them without being reprimanded by the owner. These cat owners don’t want anything or anyone messing up their cat’s mojo before they are judged.
3) There are a ton of different cat carriers/kennels to choose from (who knew? We just use a cardboard box).
4) No, no, NO!
5) Some people really love their cats.
6) The kids’ favorite things at the cat show? Not cats.
Eli screamed with delight when he saw the “yellow thing”.
Hannah could have played with this plastic for days.
Yesterday Hannah decided to draw a picture for all of the kids in her preschool class.
Each individual picture on her drawing below was created with a specific classmate in mind.
And then on the back she wrote out all the names of her classmates and teachers.
She was pretty excited to take it to school today!
This picture is a little fuzzy. But Eli was so proud of the “Mount Baker” he made out of newspaper I just had to snap a picture of him with it!
Looks almost as good as the real one! :)