Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless wednesday




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Anonymous said...

aw what a cute Hermione in training!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Ron with blue Harry Potter glasses. PERFECT!

Sherrie said...

Too cute! I so love his red hair. Micah's is not that red anymore. :(

valentine said...

oh why hallo h'rry pottr

Cassie said...

I was just about to say he looks like Harry Potter...and then I read all of the other comments LOL. cute pic!

Liz Mays said...

Now that makes me want to see the movie! He's adorable!!!

Kekibird said...

Very cute!

Three Js said...

Jacob has those same mad doctor glasses! Too cute!

Anonymous said...
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Roxy said...

Hugs to you,Roxy

Unknown said...

I love, love, love those glasses and that smile!

The Blonde Duck said...

Are those Mr. Potato Head glasses????

Anonymous said...
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Tracey@Aloha Monkeys said...

Very cute! She DOES look like a little Harry Potter.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

That kid must keep you laughing all the time!

James (SeattleDad) said...

That's 3000 words right there.

Megan said...

OMGoodness!!!! LOOK AT HIM!!! So stinkin adorable!

Anonymous said...


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Love the specs!!

Anonymous said...

Ah-dorable--he is such a cutie!

Dee said...

HAHAHA! Those are great!

Anonymous said...

PS Thank you for visiting my guest post at Amy's!