It is so easy for a week (and then some) to slip by without a post.
We just finished up our first week of swimming lessons. I love summer swimming (at least on sunny days). Outdoor pools are the best! Both kids are in classes at the same time, and the lessons are 30 minutes each day, every day (M-F) for 2 weeks. However since I signed up for 2 sessions we will get to do 4 weeks. Keeps us busy but so far they both are really enjoying it.
One of the reasons I love this particular pool so much is that they have a very high instructor to student ratio. I have seen it be almost 1:1 some days, even for Hannah's slightly more advanced level.
I'm floating!! |
Once again I am falling behind miserably on blog reading. A massive catch up effort is in order.
Maybe tomorrow.
Actually it won't happen until at least next week. Tomorrow is our annual family picture day and then I am taking the girls down to Seattle for some back to school shopping (hello?? Is that you calling our name Nordstrom Anniversary sale?????). We are going to make it a girls night and have dinner and stay at a hotel so I looking very forward to it.
My step-daughter Macy only has about 2 weeks left before she heads back to San Diego. Hoping to make the most of it. :)