Thursday, November 21, 2013

This is 40.

Well, this is it.  The big 40.  

Just a few pictures of my metamorphosis (there'd be more but I haven't learned how to scan pictures yet to my Mac).  The "awkward" one would be me in 6th grade.  That hair took a lot of aqua net to perfect.  Ha!  

I always thought I would feel so "old" and so "grown up" at 40.  But I still feel like I did as a young adult.  Only smarter.  And with noisier, stiffer joints.  

So if this is 40 I say bring it.  

I'm ready.  
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas Wish List

Last weekend I let my kids go through the big Target toy ad and circle all the things they thought they might want for Christmas.

I used to love doing this when I was a kid: barbies, dolls, kitchen toys, stuffed animals, games…so many toys to circle.

However, I am again reminded how times have changed.  Hannah did not really circle ANY toys.  Instead:

Cell phones, iPads, and iPods, oh my!

And she is dying for a car she can "drive".

Not sure Santa is going to deliver any of this stuff this year.

Santa thinks she should slow down and play with toys just a little bit longer.
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Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Us!

November 8th 2003: Married in Las Vegas

10 years later.  


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