Friday, February 12, 2010

3 things



I like this picture.



If my daughter wears her red sparkle shoes and just so happens to have two pairs, well,


You can imagine someone else wants to sparkle, too. 


He wore them to the store!

3)  Have a great weekend!


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Connie said...

M has a silver pair that are similar to those....she adores them....and calls them her Wizard of Paws Shoes.

Molly said...

Ha! Love it! Have a great weekend.....btw, I'm staying open minded about Lost, but I want some answers soon! : )

Annie said...

Oh, so cute. And the sparkle shoes are beautiful.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Megan said...

LOL That is hilarious!! Haha! Adorable pics as usual. =)

a49erfangirl said...

Cute pictures. How cute on the shoes!

Anonymous said...

haha! Love it! Love her outfit too!

debi9kids said...

LOL of course he did :)

HeatherOz said...

Oh I LOVE the red sparkley shoes! On Everyone!!
My daughter likes to dress my boys up in her princess dresses or tutus. I usually take pictures but have never let them leave the house! LOL

Brian Miller said...

cute pics!

Being us... said...

That is adorable, got your blog off of LIAYF and look forward to following it!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Who doesn't want to sparkle! So cute:)

Three Js said...

I only wish I had a similar pair of shoes. Loving both of their outfits!

Robin said...

Oh I love those shoes..we had them too..and the Dorothy costume as well..and good for him...they look great ont both of them...Very Cute..!BTW does Mom have a pair..?

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL! Adorable!

Christa @ Little Us said...

I want Ruby Red slippers and her eyes look AMAZING in that first picture!!

Just Add Walter said...

hahaha.... boys like to play dress up too!! love it!

Daddy M said...

I am going to have to a talk with my son it looks like. That jacket does not go with those shoes.

Mike said...

Well, if I were recasting the "Wizard of Oz", she would be in the running for Dorothy!

christy rose said...

How cute!! My girls used to have red sparkle shoes too when they were little. It brings back a lot of memories seeing Hannah in those and Eli too. :) He wore them to the store? LOL He is too cute too!

Anonymous said...

I love that he wore them to the store. Did people stare?

Robyn Lee said...

OMG, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he wore those shoes, AND the fact that you let him wear them out!! : ) Good for you Momma! Soo sweet!

Anonymous said...

Those were really cute pictures. Those shoes look great too.
Have a wonderful day!:)

Unknown said...



I love your header!


Anonymous said...

Aw, now I want to wear it too! They are so cute. Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Isn't it wonderful to be young?

Anonymous said...

PS I want to send you money so you can buy a pair for my daughter she would LOVE them- they are just like the ones from The Wizzard of Oz (she really would go crazy) PPS She sometimes still wears her halloween outfit to the store (people look at her strange) so I know how you feel..

JudyH329 said...

I love the shoes! My mom said that when me and my brother were young, 3-4, he wanted to do everything his big sister did, so he would put on my dresses. Of course he had to give that up when he became a lawyer. LOL! Actually, it was a few years further back as I don't remember ever seeing him in one. lol

The Blonde Duck said...

I love that you have equal oppertunity sparkleness.

Bethany said...

So cute! My brother was born after three sisters and although my dad hated it, we'd dress him up in dresses and put him in headbands...heh!

Dee said...

HAHAHA!! No shame in the sparkly red shoes!

Unknown said...

OMG! I would wear that same outfit if I could. I love it. Hello Kitty all the way!!! O.M.G.!!!

I have so much Hello Kitty stuff and now Bean is stealing it all from me. I don't like to share.

Kekibird said...

I want some!!!

Stacy said...

I'm so smiling at that last outfit. :) There's nothing like a little girl to put together such ensembles! And then change into another one, every half hour! So precious!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I am laughing!!! What a cutie, that will be a photo you will pull out on his wedding day for the slide show:)

Jill had those shoes last year for Christmas. So cute.