Monday, February 8, 2010

It may be cold where you are, but…

It is “spring” here. 

My flowers are coming up. 


I took this particular picture last year…and since I saw these blooming again in my yard this morning I had to go back and see when I took this picture. 

March 6th, 2009. 

We are a month ahead of schedule. 

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MamaJoss said...

Wow...that's amazing...ours are currently under 20 inches of snow...with 1-2 feet expected tomorrow...we're going to have to wait a little longer. VERY pretty photo -- you're so good with your it!!

Brian Miller said...

ugh...5 more inches of snow out 9 of the lat 10 days...i need some spring...

Three Js said...

I thought the photo looked familiar. It's crazy. Makes me wonder what is in store for us this summer. Not a bunch of rain, I hope!!

Katie Lane said...

Georgous photo! I pray that one day I'll live where there are seasons, here in FL it's summer everyday. Not so fun. Anyway enjoy your flowers :)

Mike said...

That is very early! Our flowers usually start in early March.

Nicolasa said...

Those are beautiful! I cannot believe you have those popping up so early! It is freezing here!

Clare said...

I love crocus. It has rained in CA non stop for the past 10 days. Today has been dry and I loved going for a walk and taking in all of the early flowers

Megan said...

WOOHOO!! I'm loving this "winter" we're having!! So much better than being pounded with snow like last year!! =D

Liz Mays said...

We're still buried under snow!

yonca said...

Beautıful! I mıss sprıng!!!

Kekibird said...

I'm jealous! I so do not have a green thumb.

Kekibird said...
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Annie said...

It so pretty. Love the color.

Have a nice week.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Oh, wow...I would so love to see these popping up in my yard. Few more weeks to go!

Anonymous said...

lucky you! We have like 3 feet of snow here :( BOO! said...

you know what?! I actually remembered that photo!

That is too funny. I hardly remember anything.

Could it really be spring? hmmm

So pretty. Maybe you will have 2 springs this year!

Twincerely,Olga said...

so beautiful!!!!thanks for sharing

Jenn said...

I'm officially jealous! School was 2 hours late this morning because of the extra foot of snow we got over the weekend. The news just informed us we've had snow EVERY DAY in the month of February! ;(

While it's gorgeous to look at, I'm ready for some warm weather, green grass and colorful flowers! At least I can appreciate them at YOUR house!!! ;D

Christa @ Little Us said...


James (SeattleDad) said...

I'm calling it Suncolype, or Sunpocolypse.

Amazing. My Clematis is also now blooming. Love it!

J.J. said...

Girl...I love me some tulips!!

Jami said...

I'm jealous...but I do love snow, so I guess it is back to patience for me. :)

Lee said...

The groundhog was WRONG!

HeatherOz said...

Looks like that groundhog got it all wrong!

Helene said...

I'm sooooo envious!! I can't wait for spring!

Sandy said...

I can't wait for our flowers to start popping up! Right now we have too much snow and more on the way tonight!

Rebecca Jo said...

Thats just cruel to show us that! hehe!!!

I'm sitting here with 6 more inches of snow being dumped on us today...

Really, its good to know Spring EXISTS!!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

So pretty!!! I just adore spring flowers!!!! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

whoa, they're beautiful :)

The Blonde Duck said...


Anti-Supermom said...

Seems so unfair when I'm looking at 13 inches of snow ;)

Stacy Uncorked said...

I must admit I'm jealous. :) We're getting pounded with snow this year - Mother Nature apparently swapped our weather with you guys last year, so she's getting us back this year. ;)

Kailani said...

It's hard to believe that Spring is actually coming early for some! Enjoy!

An Island Life

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture! Wow, you already have spring???

christy rose said...

wow! I wish we were seeing those already! :)

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

That is a coll picture! Wish I had a green thumb. Don't even get me near a plant, the poor Thanks for stopping by today :)

McGillicutty said...

awww crocuses... or are they croci??
I miss them!!! so nice to see signs of spring.. the only sign I see here is a line at the tanning salon.

Adaptable Kay said...

Oh man, I am SO envious!!!! Can I come stay with you for awhile!? LOL
That picture is gorgeous-I can't wait until it's sunny and green here :D

Thanks for the little bit of hope!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

How beautiful. I love spring when all the flowers start coming out. It's still too far for us.

Iva Messy said...

they are beautiful!!

Iva Messy said...
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Iva Messy said...
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Iva Messy said...

ACK! so sorry! I dont know why my comment thought it would be fun to play repeat ;)

Jack Steiner said...

Spring is coming sooner than later.

Molly said...

What!? Those are so pretty, can't believe they're growing already. It's been snowing every day here for weeks, but I think of shoveling it as good cardio!

Trac~ said...

BEAUTIFUL! I love those! I can't believe that you are already having blooming flowers. We are under about 8 inches of snow here today and it is still coming down! We are expecting 12-18" total! *sigh* I am SO ready for Spring! :o)

Trac~ said...

BEAUTIFUL! I love those! I can't believe that you are already having blooming flowers. We are under about 8 inches of snow here today and it is still coming down! We are expecting 12-18" total! *sigh* I am SO ready for Spring! :o)

Stacy said...

It's CRAZY, isn't it?
I'm so worried it's going to freeze and ruin all of the blooms/potential blooms for Spring!

I am longing for Spring though, so if it stays warm, BRING IT ON a whole month early!!!

Robyn Lee said...

Ohhh pretty!! My favorite flower! : ) I'm right there with ya. I took some pics of flowers growing in our yard too.. I know I've been hearing something about a snow storm back East... but I have no idea what that means : )

2Wired2Tired said...

There's hope! We didn't get hit with the snowstorm too bad, but I'm definitely tired of winter. Beautiful picture!

I'm having trouble leaving comments on Blogger blogs with my Open ID account. So I used my google account - its the old one so it will redirect you to my new blog. Sorry. I've been trying to get it fixed. I've missed commenting so I thought I'd go this route for now.

Roxy said...

so jealous!! Enjoy the warmth!

debi9kids said...

Wow! I wish.... instead... 3 feet of snow cover my bulbs :(

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

First and foremost ya'll have a beautiful family there. Your youngens' are precious. Now if ya'll are findin' spring would ya send some to this Ozarks farm chick. I'm soooo tired of snow, soooo not a snowbunny! Please...

From the snowy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

The Blonde Duck said...

I need some flowers like this today. It's 30 degrees with ice pellets. ICE PELLETS. In South Texas.

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Spring is definitely NOT ahead of schedule here-- we still have snow on the ground! But your picture reminds me of the wonderful things to come... soon, I hope!

Confessions From A Working Mom

Trac~ said...

P.S. Please check out my blog today - I have nominated you for an award! Have a great weekend! :O)

Patricia said...

I just love those flowers. They seem to come earlier every year. Lovely photo!

Teresa said...

Oh those are so beautiful!