Friday, January 22, 2010

A kid free post?

Okay, so I just decided to sit down and write a blog post. 

A real one.

One full of witty words and content that is sure to keep you entertained, for a couple minutes at least.

Perhaps, dare I say, a KID-FREE post?

Then I sat down.



Okay, I was already sitting.



Reading too many blog posts. 

I participated in Friday Follow today. 


Why would I add my name to the list, hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades, when I already follow way too many blogs for my own good?  Why, why, why? 

Because it’s fun and there are so many great blogs out there.  And I am approaching 200 followers and I like the sound of that.

Anyways, back to my great story.

So I was already sitting, getting ready to churn out some delightful words in a post that would not be about my kids. 

But then my son woke up.

An hour early (at least according to my mommy radar of how long that Little Guy should sleep). 

So I guess I will go get him.

And, sigh, I guess I will include a picture.

IMG_0366 Or two.

We had lovely, wonderful, not at all winter-like weather here this week.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

post signature


Felissa Hadas said...

Just stopping by to follow and say hello. Follow Friday was so much fun last week that I am back for another round.


MamaJoss said...

Man wish we were able to ride bikes outside -- it's just tooo cold here in PA for that :) They are such cuties - great shots...even though it was supposed to be a kid-free post LOL - I hear ya!! BTW, Liking Windows 7 so far...only played with it for a few hours, so will keep you posted. Have a nice Friday evening.

Unknown said...

I loved your post even though you wanted it to be kid-free. All of my boys have red hair, so I'm pretty partial.... We've had great weather this week too, they are saying not to get used to it. I need to move.

Maggi said...

Well, your kids are so cute, I don't mind them sneaking into a post! lol

Mike said...

So you were not going to do a picture post? hahaha! Very cute!

Liz Mays said...

Aw heck, your kids are irresistible and I'm never gonna complain about looking at their darling faces!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Jealous of your weather!! Oh well hun, that's the way naptime goes sometimes. We'll be here when you're ready!!!

Brian Miller said...

how adorable! yeah i tried FF this week, oh my!

Sandy said...

I love seeing pics of your kids! They are so cute!

Helene said...

How funny....that happens to me a lot too! I sit down with a post all planned out and that's when one of the kids needs something...usually for me to wipe their butts.

Cute pictures, as always!

Annie said...

Who can resist to show such cutie pies.

Enjoy the weekend.

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

great pictures! and wow! you have a lot of followers! that should tell you that you're interesting :)

Unknown said...

waving from friday follow

HeatherOz said...

Followin' ya from Follow Friday!

JudyH329 said...

Well, you know what they always say, "it's the thought that counts!" Of course, the pictures say a thousand words!

Lee said...

Hope you have a great weekend! Your kids are cute as usual! :)

Christa @ Little Us said...

I knew you wouldn't be able to go kid free! I did FF too and oh damnnnn I have way too much to read now!

Michelle said...

What a cute blog you have!
I enjoy the pictures.

*Friday Follow*

Unknown said...

Your children are adorable!
Isn't Follow Friday great! I am a new follower, and look forward to reading lots more of your great posts!

Stop by and say hi!

beenomom said...

Isn't it a bummer when you think you will have an hour or two, if you're lucky to yourself and then everything gets screwed up when they wake up early!!! If you didn't have plans he would have slept for two hours!!! It's just the way it works!!

Kids are cute as always though!!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

A post without the kids isn't complete anyway:)

Cindi said...

Stopping by om follow me friday. Who can blame you for posting about the kids when they are that stinkin' cute? Not me...I'm hosting a giveaway if you are interested.

Anonymous said...

With such adorable kiddos I can understand how it's so hard not to post about them. Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow!

~ Lynn

yonca said...

Beautiful pics!

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Beautiful pics. Thanks for jumping the hop.

Roxy said...

Just when you sit down...that's when it happens!!
Hugs to you!

Kailani said...

I like the kids posts . . . and the pictures! :-)

An Island Life

Trac~ said...

They get cuter every day and I love your kids posts - especially since you have very adorable models to pose for you and show off! :o)

Anonymous said...

I would post about them 20 times a day if I were you!

Anonymous said...

"My mommy radar of how long that little guy should sleep" favorite line!
What beautiful photos of great (looking)kids. said...

you are so funny. I would be sad not to see pix of your gorgeous kids anyway!!!

tattytiara said...

Well c'mon, with kids that cute it would be irresponsible not to include pictures!

debi9kids said...

isn't it addicting reading blogs? I keep saying I won;t add any new blogs and yet, every day, i find new ones. LOL
Hope you get your #200! That's an awesome number :)

Kimberly said...

I would rather read blogs than watch tv.

Maybe that is just me.

Your babies are too cute!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Come on! I KNOW you must have some more cutie kiddo pictures!!!!! Have a fabulous week!!!

Three Js said...

Wow. 200 followers? Amazing.

Why bother with a kid free post, anyhow. I mean, they pretty much ARE your life these days :)
See you soon!!!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I keep seeing this around and may have to give it a try! Isn't it always hte case that you have a good idea, then the kids need something RIGHT THAT MINUTE!! Welcome to parenthood, huh!?

Unknown said...

200 followers?!? Congrats!

I'm dreaming of 20! LOL

Stephanie said...

LOL There is no escape!

Anonymous said...

I'm so ready for spring so I can get outside with the kids more.

The Blonde Duck said...

We all love your kid posts, don't worry.

French Apple Pie is the pie with the crumbly strusel on top--my personal favorite.

Iva Messy said...

they are so super cute ... I love your kiddie posts!! ;)

christy rose said...

How could you even think not to include them somewhere? They are so adorable.

Molly said...

I compare blogs to pieces of chocolate, I can't stop at one.

Unknown said...

I love your little red head! I have one too! About the same age too! I found you through friday follows! Cute blog!

Anonymous said...

I just found out about Follow Friday and think I will participate this week. It's always fun to find new blogs.

Love the Little Guy shirt. My son had that one too, he grew out it and I miss it!

J.J. said...

I love al the pics! I am new to your blog :) Very fun reading your bloggie stuff!!!!!

J.J. said...

Oh yeah...I'll be your follower 190!!! hee hee :)

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Your weather does look fabulous! We are at least 6 or 8 weeks away from anything like that.