Wednesday, January 13, 2010

you know it’s garbage day when…


Alternatively titled: You know you need to clean your windows, when…


I was trying to use this picture for my “Winter” photo submission on Manic Mother:


Why?  Because she has snowmen on her shirt of course.  That is very wintery!  I took the picture with my manual setting, but I wish it had turned out a little bit “sharper”.  Photoshop didn’t help much either.  I’ll try to do better next time.  My camera and I are still getting to know each other.  It’s been a year now, I should probably move on to the next stage of our relationship. 

Something I need to, ahem, focus on. 

Of course within 10 minutes of the above pictures Hannah was ready to move on to another outfit.


Her third change of the day, not including jammies. 

It was 10 AM!

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Unknown said...

So nonstop wardrobe changes are what I have to look forward to, huh? Okay, I think I can handle that.

Mike said...

That picture would have been perfect if you had the focus right! It is still a great image. Maybe if you put like a snow effect around it and made it look like she was looking out of a window on a wintry night, then the slight off focus would work to your advantage!

Annie said...

OMG, great pictures.

Just Add Walter said...

good golly... you must have more laundry than you know what to do with!!

Anonymous said...

HA! Ainsley does the exact same thing :)

Roxy said...

so why I have boys! 3 outfits prior to 10...WOW! Like the stripes with polka dots!

Laura Marchant said...

My daughter isn't into changing her clothes all the time yet. Right now it is all about the same princess dress all day long each and every day.

very cute!

Lee said...

Her striped bottoms are fabulous, by the way.

What kind of camera do you have? (I love cameras.)

Anonymous said...

Great pics. So they are fascinated by the garbage truck too. What can she say, she likes her outfit changes. Too cute!

p.s. Wishing you much luck in your camera relationship.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I think the kids are adorable, and don't worry about working with the manual settings, I'm having the same problem!! I keep taking video of my living room floor! :-)
We will get the hang of it, that is why we are doing these tutorials. Hang in there!!

christy rose said...

She is so cute! How could you get frustrated with her! My Olivia used to do the same thing when she was little too. said...

cute pix :)

Oh the clothing would be okay if they put the others back in their drawers. But not! Laundry Laundry Laundry.

I must admit, it was cute at your little darlings age :)

debi9kids said...

LOL! Such a girl! (Emma does the clothing changes ALL.DAY.LONG as well. UGH!)

LOVE the photo of your cuties peering out the window. ADORABLE!

Unknown said...

She is so cute! Great job, we will help you figure out your camera, no worries!

Molly said...

my kids are the opposite, they won't get out of their pj's!

I tagged you in a meme, but you may have already done it...

Three Js said...

I did love the snowflake shirt :) What a little fashionista!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Hannah is my kind of girl. Different outfit for every mood and occasion,lol. Go, Hannah you little fashionista.

Anonymous said...

hehe little miss fashion in the making!

Ms. Diva said...

Manual is hard to work! It seems like it would be easy but it sooo isn't!! But I like the picture - blurry and all!!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

A fashionista in the making, lol! She's so cute, how can you even attempt to resist her??? I bet she and Bella would get along famously!

Megan said...

LOL My mom says that I changed about every 5 mins when I was that age, too. So cute!! =)

Liz Mays said...

I love how she dresses herself! She's cute!

Unknown said...

My son is like that! Always changing, and creating lots and lots of laundry for me! She's so cute!! Thanks for playing along with our challenge!

Lisa Anne said...

LOL I love kid who change their clothes throughout the day. I love the black and white pants, I really want a pair!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love girls and their constant outfit changes!