Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Go ahead, make my monday!
At least, I hope it's happy. :)
I have no new pictures to share. I know, amazing!
But Hannah just insisted I take a shot of her because she got her teeth cleaned today and thought they looked extra nice for a picture so maybe I will share those later this week.
I also want to thank everyone who voted for me (many of you repeatedly!) in the Communal Global contest. I didn't win, but darn it we sure came close. THANK YOU!!
Also, since I seem to be lagging behind in posting I wanted to give you all a chance to ASK ME ANYTHING! Just leave me a question in your comment and I will respond in a future post. Feel free to ask Hannah something too, I'm sure she'd love to reply. ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
This is my dad’s hair (at age 1):
This is my son’s:
This is my dad’s hair next to my son’s:
Any questions?
Friday, April 16, 2010
last chance
Hi, this is Eli.
Since about all I can say out loud is “mommy, daddy, YEAH-YEAH, kitty, and yum” I asked my mom to translate a little note for you.
This is me a loooong time ago.
Like, 2008.
And here I am on my first Halloween:
Cute, huh?
Anyways, my mom said people are getting tired of HER asking everybody to vote for my picture. So she thought maybe I could butter you all up.
You see, today is the LAST DAY you can vote for my picture (#7 Egg Dipping at the M House).
We have had a lot of support and my mom is so thankful! But if we could get as many more votes as possible today my picture just could win!
So click on my egg picture below to go vote for #7!
It would sure make me happy!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Almost 100%
Everything was derailed around 3:30 on Tuesday when I came down with the dreaded stomach bug my son had over the weekend.
And again, I have found myself reminded of 2 things:
1) I do not like being sick.
2) If your daughter says she feels sick to her stomach, GET HER TO THE BATHROOM.
For, 2 hours after mom started feeling nauseated, darling daughter Hannah started complaining of the same symptoms. Thinking she was "copying" me I kind of just ignored her and had put her in the car with dad and Eli to head out for some dinner which I was in no mood to be around.
2 minutes later we are cleaning the car.
For Eli did the same thing on Friday.
My car doesn't smell so fresh right now.
But, thankfully we are feeling about 100% today. Let the "catching up" begin!
I also wanted to say a giant "THANK YOU" to all of you that voted for me in the photo contest at Communal Global, and a special thank you to Queen Jeannie for even blogging about it!!

Voting is STILL open today and tomorrow and you can vote daily - so feel free to head over here and vote for #7 if you wish!
Have a wonderful day.
Comments? OFF. Perhaps use the extra time, to, I don't know... vote??? :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Please Vote for Me!
I just hopped over to Communal Global's blog and saw my picture selected as one of the 10 finalists in their "Today" series.
My picture is Number 7.
When you go to the link (click HERE) you can scroll down to see all the pictures. OR you can just click on the line that says "To vote for one of the entries numbered 6-10, go here."
You have to click that link to vote - clicking on the picture itself will just direct you back to my blog.
There are some amazing pictures featured here, so in the very least go check it out. But I would love it if you would vote for me too! :)
And for you die-hard Easter Egg Eli Hand fans you can vote DAILY until Friday.
Hope your week is off to a great start!

5 myths about having a birthday
1) The birthday boy (or girl) is always photo ready:
(probably would have helped if I brushed his hair)
2) The siblings never help open all most of the gifts:
3) Said sibling(s) do not get jealous over gift of tool belt set and say it was what they always wanted.:
4) Said sibling(s) never throw tantrums on their other sibling(s) special day:
5) It is JUST NOT POSSIBLE to let your child burn his nose on a birthday candle:
No parent would possibly let that happen.
Happy Birthday Elliot (Eli). Can hardly believe you’re two now! And thanks for being over your stomach flu so you could have your cake.
And eat it too. :)
“I think I can do it if I just get a little closer…”
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hi, I'm in Battle Ground.
And horses.
In fact, yesterday my mom and I saw a "stray" horse running around the neighborhood.
But, fear not, I am really not that far away from civilization.
The kids and I decided to spend spring break at my mom's, which is on a good day about a 4 hour drive from my neck of the state. This is convenient because all of my other family and many friends live in the area as well. Battle Ground, Vancouver, Camas, Portland.
We have been Pacific Northwest-world travelers for sure.
And what a fun time we have had. I am so glad I decided to brave a week alone with the kids.
They have been super troopers, moving with me from place to place, visit to visit.
The weather quite frankly sucked (it was even trying to SNOW today!). But the company was fabulous so I will not complain for another moment.
The only thing I did not accomplish this week was blog reading.
We come home Friday. I am SURE daddy has kept the place spotless in our absence. :)
Let the catching up begin (after of course my hair appointment and massage and pedicure and anything else I can think of to fill up my "me" Saturday)! :)
Oh - and did I mention my "little" guy will be TWO on Sunday. Hopefully I will get a post up for him, or at least a picture!