Thanks for all your comments on my post yesterday. I hope I didn't offend anyone - I really do enjoy blog reading and I LOVE getting new followers - I just want it to be for the right reasons and not because of any perceived notion on my part that I "need" followers. I do this for fun, not for sport.
Anyways, I am guest posting at A Modern Day Ricky and Lucy today so I would of course appreciate it if you hopped over there for a visit. I think I put a ton of pictures in my post, although many of you have seen some of them before, but this time with a slightly different spin.
I started visiting A Modern Day Ricky and Lucy solely because of the avatar (a picture of Lucille Ball) and of course the blog name.
The first year Nickelodeon started airing I Love Lucy reruns I was maybe 19 or 20. I was probably younger. I don't remember. Anyways, I spent most of the summer watching and or taping (VHS!) the entire series. I loved the show and my all time favorite episode is the "Vitameatavegamin" one.
And so if I stumble across a blog mentioned Lucy I am likely going to stop by for a visit. Or a follow. Or a guest post.
Check it out and have a great weekend!