Monday, December 7, 2009

I won a scarf!

I won a scarf!

Thanks to  Erica at 5 Moms and a Blog for posting the contest, I was the lucky, randomly generated winner!!  I love seeing my name in that box. smile_regular

Anyway, took a few pictures of my prize with my favorite models:


IMG_9383_edited-1IMG_9391_edited-1 IMG_9382_edited-1


The scarf couldn’t have arrived at a better time – it’s FREEZING outside!

Happy Monday to all of you!

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Helene said...

Awwww, the kids look adorable wearing the scarves! And the scarves are so colorful!

Anonymous said...

They're all great, but I especially love the last one.

Liz Mays said...

How cute!!! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooo and so pretty too! :) Congrats!

Mike said...

Very cute! I love the candy cane outfit. I have a new website that I share with Stacy the Random Cool chick. Your kids may like it?

Stephanie said...

Oh and it's so pretty! Congrats:)

Stephanie said...

I came back to tell you I added your button under my Great Reads!
I keep missing your posts so hopefullythis will help!


Annie said...


Wonderful and fun pictures of the kids.

Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your win! The kiddos are rocking that scarf!

Christa @ Little Us said...

Congrats! I love seeing my name in too!

I love the red striped dress! So Cute!

James (SeattleDad) said...

Good for you. Cold Miser has had way to many iced coffees today.

Lee said...

Your kids look so adorable, and that's such a pretty scarf! It looks so soft!

Trac~ said...

YAY! Congrats on the win - I love the scarf and your two little models are just PRECIOUS! :o) Glad to hear your progressing on your shopping! Have a great day!

Three Js said...

Nice models...and scarf! It looks warm and fuzzy. Just what you need on this cold day!

Megan said...

What a fun, colorful scarf! And the models aren't so bad either. ;0)

E @ Scottsville said...

Awwwwww, the scarf looks so pretty with his red hair!! =0)

I'm so glad you got it and like it. {{hugs}}

Just remember, you're the only person in alllll of bloggy land who can literally WEAR an Erica Hug! ha ha ha

2Wired2Tired said...

That scarf is gorgeous and looks so warm! Do the kids ever let you wear it?

Anonymous said...

That scarf is SO cute!

Daddy M said...

I don't think Eli is going to be happy with his mommy when he grows up seeing some of these pictures.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Cute scarf...can I borrow it tonight? The wind is howling and it is Matthew's Christmas concert. said...

Love it! said...

Love it!

Patricia said...

congrats.. what a pretty scarf!