Friday, December 11, 2009

just because, #2

Just because


My son is 20 months old today and I adore this picture I took yesterday.

Just because


my daughter wanted to be a puppy. 

Pluto from Mickey Mouse to be exact.

IMG_9514 IMG_9509 IMG_9507

Just because she wanted to play fetch


and somebody else decided to join in on the fun.


Just because


Sometimes my kids get along.


And sometimes they don’t.

Just because I am supposed to be working on my first ever guest blog post


and I’m stalling taking my own “sweet” time.

Just because.

post signature


Daddy M said...

Great Post Honey...Love the fetching kids!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

They are so adorable.

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Where are you posting at? I'll be sure to read it.

Three Js said...

You'll have those kids trained in no time. Hey, Jacob has that same sweater!

Maggi said...

Awww, happy 20 months to him! Your kids are sooooooooo adorable!

Heather B. said...

Oh so cute!!! Isn't it so nice when they get along? Even if it is just for .02 seconds!!! Guest post??? Details please!!!

yonca said...

Love those picS! Your babies are so CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL. I digg all these pics. They look so comfy in that blanket. Now get to working on that guest post!

The Rambler said...

I just LOVE LOVE seeing photos of your kids!!!

The getting along/not getting along this was awesome :)

Annie said...

They are adorable!!!!!

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture of him!

Pluto better watch out!

beenomom said...

OMG, this post cracked me up!! You know the pic that got me laughing was the one with your daughter exerting her power over her younger brother!!! LOL!!

Great post and I totally know how you feel!!

Christa @ Little Us said...

Aww poor guy looks like he's trying to escape from his sister but he just can't get out!

I can't believe I've never asked this before...but what kind of camera do you use?

2Wired2Tired said...

I love your son's sweater. Your kids are so funny and take such great photos.

Good luck on your guest post.

Anonymous said...

These are so stinkin' cute! :)

Lee said...

I always love your pictures. :)
I wish I could play fetch and get away with it. People would probably think I was strange...

Kimi said...

How cute are your kids! I love love love that last pic. He has such an adorable expression.

Unknown said...

ok that's awesome. Best of all, you took a picture instead of rescuing him LOL I must know, waht is she weilding against the boy?!

Great pictures. Just because you should be doing something, doesn't mean you have to ;)

Just Add Walter said...

these candid photos are great!!

Mike said...

They really are beyond cute!!

Trac~ said...

LOVE these! Especially the one of them not getting along - HA - too cute! :o) Have a great dinner party tonight!

Liz Mays said...

Your double distractions are double delights!

Helene said...

They are both too cute!! My kids love to pretend they're dogs too!

James (SeattleDad) said...

You take great pictures. Having cute kids must make it easy.

Queenie Jeannie said...

You can stall with us, and your sweet kiddos, anytime!!!! Seeing their chubby cheeks always makes me smile!

Twincerely,Olga said...

Great Pictures!!! They are soo huggably Cute!!!! Even when they're not getting along!!

a49erfangirl said...

The kids are absolutely adorable! My daughter turns 20 months on the 16th.

Molly said...

good luck with your guest post! Look forward to reading it!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Your post never fail to make me smile!

Anonymous said...

I'm back and the pics still look so cute. Come on over to my place. I've got a little bling bling for ya.

Unknown said...

They are the sweetest! I am so glad you get to be their Mama! And I am so glad you can take such wonderful pictures of them!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Awwww! They are ADORABLE - and the perfect excuse for procrastination...just because! ;)

The Blonde Duck said...

I think they're just so precious!

Stephanie said...

Stolen moments are the best:)

Mandi said...

Awww, such cute photos. :) I don't think it's ever stalling when you're capturing precious moments like that!
[Stopping by from SITS!]

Megan said...

They both just light up a room with their smiles!! So sweet!!

Cassie said...

They are just so adorable!!

Anti-Supermom said...

Thank goodness, now I know that my kids are normal - they are playing 'dog' all the time.

Adorable photos~

Anonymous said...
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Annie said...

Just because they are cute. said...

He looks like such a big boy with that haircut :)