Wednesday, December 16, 2009

wordless Wednesday: Hannah’s house



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Molly said...

so cute, I just bought a gingerbread house kit, we're making it tonight for the first time! : )

sheena said...

oh,what a cute house! :)

Sherrie said...

She did a GREAT job! You know...I don't think I've ever done that with the kiddos. I may have to break down and let them decorate one at some point!

Cassie said...

That is awesome! My husband and I make one every year, but for some reason this year's came out so badly that I didn't even take a pic. It literally fell apart before we could get many decorations on it!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Great job decorating the house. My boys turned their Gingerbread village into a fort.

Stephanie said...

No words required! Can we eat it now?

Brian Miller said...

too cool. we did rice crispie treat houses this year for the first time...we usually do gingerbread...always such fun...though you can see that on her face...smiles.

Michelle Schraudner said...

This is super cute :)

Liz Mays said...

Gingerbread houses are houses of happiness!

yonca said...

Beautiful! We are planning to make a gingerbread house this weekend. My son loves it! Me too:)

Mike said...

I don't know that I could make a gingerbread house? it would take me two kits because I would eat it as fast as I built! :)

Unknown said...

Love the house!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is SO much better than ours :) Hannah is one crafty 4 year old :)

MamaJoss said...

You are KILLING my Weight Watchers with these posts...first the chocolate and candycane cake and now this -- I think I need at add POINTS to my tracker just for visiting your blog - hehe.

Could she be anymore proud -- I love the smile...awesome job!!!

Anonymous said...

You're brave. Those things are such a pain!

HeartsMakeFamilies said...

Hannah is adorable and the house looks great.

thatgirlblogs said...

my poor kids can't have this tradition, because I'm a perfectionist and can't take the mess!

Trac~ said...

SO CUTE - both the house and the little girl. Sadly, I have NEVER made a gingerbread house, nor have my kids - don't ask me why - it's just never happened. :o(

Three Js said...

Her house looks magically delicious!

Helene said...

I love it!! It's so colorful!!!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

Such a fun thing to do with kids around this time!

Lee said...

I'm actually super jealous right now.
I told my mom I really wanted a gingerbread house this year.
She just said "No" and walked away.
Can you be my mom for the holidays? At least until I get a gingerbread house?

Annie said...

Beautiful, I want to make one with my girls but no idea of how to do it? Any advice for me.

James (SeattleDad) said...

That looks sweet. Literally!

debi9kids said...

That turned out just fantastic! LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

Hannah's house rocks! Hannah's house has a very good builder. :0)

beenomom said...

Excellent job!! You can tell from the accomplished smile on her face that she is quite proud of herself, as she should be!! This is the firt year that we have not done a gingerbread house. My kids haven't asked and I haven't mentioned it!! (Deep down inside thought, I feel a little bit guilty!)

Anonymous said...

She did a great job!! I have never decorated a gingerbread house, even when I was a kid. I need to, even though it probably wouldn't eat it!

The Blonde Duck said...

That looks so cute! Much better than I would have done!

Unknown said...

Wow! She did a great job!

Did she have a tummy ache after it was done, though? LOL

Nicolasa said...

What a wonderful job she did! She looks so proud and happy!

Connie said...

How fun!! We had the best time making our house. said...

Gingerbread houses are so much fun! She did great :)

Together We Save said...

Wow - she did a great job!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Wow!! Yours looks soooo much better than the one I made a couple of years ago, lol!

Megan said...

Adorable! She did a great job!!