Monday, December 21, 2009

my little donkey

Hannah had a great time at her show!  I was not allowed to take pictures during the actual event, but here are a few from the dress rehearsal.  I was backstage the entire time so I was not able to get many good shots.

Plus I learned it is very hard to find your daughter dancing when there are 20 other children wearing the same thing!

IMG_9641_edited-1 IMG_9652_edited-1




4 days until Christmas!!

Are you ready??

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Brian Miller said...

ha. what an amazing smile...and adorable costumes!

Connie said...

That is the most precious thing I've ever seen!!

Love it.

Queenie Jeannie said...

So precious!!! Bella loves dancing too! There aren't any classes here at this post but we might join the YMCA so she can go there.

Heather B. said...

So adorable! Looks like a good time was had by all!!!

MamaJoss said...

AWWWW - she's adorable...what song did they dance to? I just love the costumes -- so cute :)

JudyH329 said...

She is so cute! I remember my daughter loving her dance recitals! It was a very proud Mommie moment when she came on stage, just like you are!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo Cute!

Anonymous said...

Hannah is too cute and what adorable costumes! What a proud mommy you must be.

Lee said...

I thought she was Eeyore.
I was really confused.
Is that so wrong?

But she's adorable!

The Rambler said... you get sick of how many times I tell you how stinking adorable your kids are?

Cause I can't stop :)


Anonymous said...

She's so Cute! Sad that you couldn't take pictures during the show :(

Annie said...

She is so cute. I like their costume.

I'm almost ready for Christmas.

Have a great week.

Nicolasa said...

Oh she is soooo cute!

I am definitely ready for Christmas! woo hoo!

Unknown said...

Oh gosh, they were all so cute! I love the tutus! And no, I'm still shopping. Ugh!

Roxy said...

What a cute donkey!!
How was the week-end??/

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

So, so sweet!! Great pictures :)

Anti-Supermom said...

Cutest thing EVER.

Really, really makes me wait a girl (with a tutu) :)

Jenn said...

What an amazing site! So many donkeys and all of them cutie petuties!!! We recently watched our school's Winter Concert...It's VERY hard finding your kiddo among 20 or more other kids running around! Thankfully you got a few great shots during dress rehearsal!

E @ Scottsville said...

I am proud to say that I actually AM all ready for Christmas... I think. ha ha ha

What precious donkeys. I must say those have to be the sweetest donkey costumes I've ever seen! =0)

Hope y'all have a Very MERRY CHRISTmas!

Lucy said...

How cute is that!!!

Trac~ said...

SO CUTE and SO FUN! Thanks for sharing the pictures! I hope that you have a great time today with the other moms and little kids party at your home - sounds like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see those pictures! :O)

Daddy M said...

Had a great time watching the little Donkey!

yonca said...

What a cute liitle Donkey! Beautiful pics!

McGillicutty said...

Hi first time here and love it!!! Very cute little donkey's hope there were no Eyore's in there ...or however you spell it???
Merry Christmas!!!

Three Js said...

Love it, love it, love it! Thanks for posting. A beautiful little donkey!

Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

That looks so cute! Was it a jazz dance for a recital?

debi9kids said...

Well, if that isn't the CUTEST donkey EVER!

Cassie said...

OH She is SOOO adorable!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

OMG, tutu-fied donkeys??? Sooooooo cute!

Paging Doctor Mommy said...

OMG those are some of the cutest pics I have ever seen! LOVE IT!